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With it’s pool of immensely talented experts and engineers, TheNavalArch has been providing top notch Engineering and Consultancy services to its clients from across the globe. We have helped our clients manage complex marine/offshore operations and handle their engineering processes smoothly and timely. Our clients stand to gain from our strong commitment to client’s schedule, quick response times & availability, competitive pricing and a pool of experts available

Below is a list of services which TheNavalArch provides on a continual basis. Do get in touch with us if you need quality engineering services at competitive prices.

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  • Loadout engineering
  • Transportation and Installation Engineering
  • Heavy Lift Engineering
  • Pipe Transportation
  • Pipelay Engineering
  • Dynamic Positioning Analysis
  • SBM Design and Analysis
  • Mooring/Riser Analysis and Design

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[/cmsms_tab][cmsms_tab title=”Offshore Structures Engineering”]

  • Offshore structures design and analysis
  • Structural and Naval Architectural Analyses
  • Loadout, transportation, launch, upend and set-down analyses
  • FE Analyses

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[/cmsms_tab][cmsms_tab title=”Towage and Salvage Engineering”]

  • Bollard Pull calculations
  • Towing gear selection and design
  • Towing Manual
  • Grounding/Damaged Stability Calculations

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[/cmsms_tab][cmsms_tab title=”Ship Design Services”]

  • Basic and Concept Design
  • Ship Systems design – Mechanical, Electrical, Piping, Machinery, Outfitting, Accommodation
  • Production Drawings
  • Naval Architectural Analyses and Calculations
  • Intact/Damaged Stability/Probabilistic Damaged Stability
  • 3D Modeling and Animations
  • Structural and FE Analysis
  • Model Testing & Analysis
  • Ship Manuals – CSM, ETA, SOPEP, DP, FMEA
  • Loadicator/Loading Computer software creation and installation

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[/cmsms_tab][cmsms_tab title=”Customized Software Development”]

Require a custom software for your marine operations? Wasted your time with a software developer who had no domain knowledge of marine/offshore? We have a team which is a great blend of people with technical knowledge and people with software skills. Our domain experts will be able to quickly understand your requirements and work in tandem with our developers to provide a hassle-free software solution for you.

Do get in touch with us on your requirements and we will be more than happy to present to you the right solution for your needs.

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