by | Feb 1, 2020 | Marine Operations, Mooring
In Part 1 of this article, we saw a step by step guide to calculate the Environmental forces on a vessel based on “Standard” environmental criteria defined in Section 3 of OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines Fourth Edition (MEG-4) in order to determine the ship’s...
by | Jan 26, 2020 | Marine Transportation, Towing
In Part 1 of the article, we discussed the regular towing arrangements and how to select the towing gear for the same. In this part, we will discuss the components of the emergency towing arrangement and how to select them. The purpose of emergency towing equipment is...
by | Jan 6, 2020 | Lifting Operations, Marine Operations
by Michael Harwood, PE, PMP Overview Lifting by crane is a basic construction operation that dates back to at least Sixth Century BC (ancient Greece for example) and the lifting operation itself dates back much further. It is a very common operation in present-day...
by | Dec 7, 2019 | New technologies
(This article originally appeared in June 2018 edition of Marine Engineers Review, Vol 12, Issue 7, Journal of The Institute of Marine Engineers (India), and is being reproduced here for readers of TheNavalArch’s blog)The maritime domain is gradually coming to...