Cargo Loading Estimator (Bulk Carriers)





This excel app helps the user estimate the amount of cargo loaded/unloaded at a port based on draft difference before and after the operation (arrival and departure)
The calculations are based on empirical relations and estimates/assumptions (see section on Assumptions and Limitations)

Directions for Use
All the cells which require input are in the Worksheet ‘Inputs’ and have blue background.
Please fill only input cells, i.e., ones with blue background. Leave the other cells untouched, as they are output cells

Assumptions and Limitations
LWL is assumed to be 97% of LOA
Applicable for bulk carriers
Fuel and Ballast Quantities estimation:

Loading Condition Fuel as % of DWT Ballast as % of DWT
Loaded Departure 5% 5%
Loaded Arrival 1% 5%
Ballast Departure 10% 90%
Ballast Arrival 2% 98%

1. Ship Design for Efficiency and Economy, H.Schneekluth and V.Bertram, 2nd Ed

Version History
V0.0 12-May-22 First Issue

Additional information

License Type


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Important: Our excel-based products work only on Windows machines, and not on Macs

System Requirements:

MS Excel 2013 and up

Windows 7 and up


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