Marine Operations Articles

The why and how of designing a lifting beam

Lifting beams are universally applied gear used widely in various types of lifting operations, onshore and offshore. In this article, we will explore the design of a basic lifting beam and see what design checks are needed to establish the suitability of the beam for...

Draft Surveys: Methodology, Calculations, and common errors

Introduction   Marine transport is the backbone of the global trade and reasonably can be considered to be the artery of the global manufacturing supply chain, as more than four fifths of the world merchandise trade by volume is carried by sea. Undoubtfully, the...

Designing a clip/dog plate for seafastening

Introduction In an earlier article, we saw how to design stoppers for seafastening. Stoppers are items that are used to contain the translation movements (longitudinal and transverse directions) of a cargo on the deck/hold of a vessel. That brings us to the question –...

The four important factors for a ship’s windage area calculations

Introduction The windage area of a vessel or offshore structure is the area that is exposed directly to the wind. As is obvious, this is the area of all items above the waterline. This will include Part of the hull/offshore structure above the waterline...